Radio DJ | Niles, Michigan
I firmly believe we must remember where we came from, and use that to guide us through life. My father is Potawatomi, my mother Filipino. Because of circumstances, I didn’t spend a lot of time with my father’s Pokagon culture and didn’t understand its place in my life. It wasn’t easy for me; I struggled to gain my footing as a teen and young adult. I eventually turned to the Tribe. At first, I took a job helping with youth camps, teaching kids about their Potawatomi roots. It was then that I began to appreciate my Elders and all they went through to set up what we have today. It changed my life. I am now an IT leader for the Tribe. And, as a part-time radio DJ, I now have the opportunity to influence a lot of people. It’s a gift I never forget. I credit the Tribe for everything that I have become. The opportunities they gave to me are there for every tribal citizen.
I am Roger and I am Potawatomi.